Their grand daughter is 1 month old, and her nursery is done in Giraffes. I told them I could make stuff that was in a giraffe theme, they just needed to contact me about it, and I'd figure something out. Well, they haven't contacted me, but I couldn't get my mind away from giraffes last night. So in the process of watching Stargate SG1, I searched ravlery, and I searched Google, and I couldn't find anything I liked. Too animated, too cutesy, too something...
So I made "Poke" The Giraffe...
Ignore the mess in the background...
He is doing an odd sort of twist.. must be really stretching to get those leaves... but that's what I get for sewing him up at approximately 2:15 am...
Stats: 12 in tall (standing on own), 4 in wide, 6 in long.
Materials used:
Vintage Sayelle Ombre Safeway Brand Yarn in a chocolate and caramel variegated
Crocheted using an I hook, and sewn together with a yarn needle.
I totally improved the design, so I don't have a link, but I will try to recreate him with a few tweaks and then post the design for you.
Let me know if you have ever made fun animals in your crafting?